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Sunset At: 05:57 PM
Sunrise At: 07:10 AM
Sunset At: 05:57 PM


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Masjid Services

NWIIC provides a wide range of activities and services to cater for the specialized needs of the Muslims and non-Muslims in northwest Indiana.

Full time Imam Consultation services: on marriage & family issues and general Islamic guidance.
Qur’an reading and memorization service: for young children and adults.
Religious services: Includes, Friday and Daily prayers, Ramadan special prayer (tarawih) and Eid prayers (Eid- Fitr and Adha- Muslim annual festivals).
Islamic Lunar Calendar service: to assist with prayer and festival timing; and for local business advertisement.
Ceremonial Services: Naming ceremony (Aqiqah); Marriage ceremony and Burial/funeral services for deceased Muslim based on Islamic teachings. The center has a Muslim cemetery at Chaple lawn funeral home.
Public Da’wah Service: Media engagement, Schools/University and Hospital seminars and lectures. Individual, School/University students and Church members visitations to our center to learn about Islam.
Interfaith dialogues; to promote understanding and harmony between different religions.
Humanitarian Relief services: In partnership with Children of Abraham and contributor to other relief organizations (such as; Promise, Smile of hope,and Life e.t.c). with the help of our members,of food and clothes to refugees between Syria, Turkey and Lebanon.

Our Community members were also part of the team during Katrina (2005) and Harvey (2017) hurricanes in Texas.

Youth programs: with a youth coordinator to engage our youth in productive and healthy activities (such as sporting activities, entertainment and excursions).
Community Night Guest Lectures: Guest lecturers from around the US are invited to widen and enrich member’s knowledge and perspectives on relevant issues.
Women/Sister group activities: for beautification of the center and procurement of essential needs for the center. Also, gender specific social and religious activities.

The center also has two Islamic week-end schools(i.e Sunday school and KGS- knowledge Gate school) and Full-time Islamic School Indiana Horizon Academy (IHA).

All of these activities and services have been made possible by generosity of our donors, dedications of our volunteers and commitment of members and supporters.